Thursday, September 28, 2017

Suffering in the Commonwealth

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I am thinking Puerto Rico may fast becoming tRump's Katrina.  As it becomes clearer by the day that FEMA is overwhelmed by the confluences of Harvey, Irma and Maria, residents of the Commonwealth are starting to die due to shortages of fuel, medicine and medical care.   Had the full resources of the Department of Defense been deployed immediately after Maria cleared PR, the first response would have been robust and the hardest hit areas would be receiving aid by now.  Instead, news organizations are the first into remote regions of the island and residents are asking where is the relief.   Meanwhile, with the bill for rebuilding large parts of Texas, Florida and PR said to reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars, Cheeto Jesus is pitching a tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.  I really thought G.W.Bush was the worst president in my lifetime, but he looks like the father of our country compared to the malevolent clown now ensconced in the Oval Office. 

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