Tuesday, September 12, 2017


While the impact on the US will be devastating in the short term;  millions without power for possibly weeks on end and some horrific damage in the Florida Keys, it pales compared to the damage Irma inflicted on many small islands in the Caribbean as well as Cuba.  In some cases it will be decades before normality returns, especially for the poor and uninsured.  Reporters have described many islands as resembling pictures of bombed out cities.  Having seen some pictures this morning, I would agree with that assessment.  Many of these islands depend on the tourist industry for survival.  It is hard to imagine they will have the resources to rebuild in time for any business this year and even next.  What happens when the next monster storm batters them again.  The infrastructure that is built should be hardened as for a war.  In the meantime, the people who have to deal with the aftermath of Irma will need support.  They will be forgotten as soon as the next big thing happens.

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