Friday, September 29, 2017

A fine pack of morons are we

The networks reported breathlessly that the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers linked arms during the playing of the national anthem last night in a show of solidarity in the face of criticism of players by Cheeto Jesus.   Meanwhile, the republicans in congress unveiled their "tax reform" bill.  It is a shameless giveaway to the very rich donor class, but as usual, everyone from the GOP is telling us it is a middle class tax cut.  They will trot out a few provisions which will provide some crumbs to the average taxpayer while obfuscating provisions which shower wealth on the 1% and set the stage for calls to further shred the social safety net which the 99% depend on.  I wish someone would stand up and tell people if they want nice things they need to pay taxes.  Instead, as Steve Bannon characterized the voters of Alabama, we act like a pack of morons when tax cuts are dangled in front of us.   Infrastructure, social services, education and all the other trappings of modern government depend on the willingness of people to support these functions.  The momentary thrill of a few extra dollars in our paychecks should not obscure the long lasting harm we are doing to the foundation of government and its ability to meet our needs.  The unfolding disaster in Puerto Rico is a reminder of how fragile the social compact can become in the absence of a robust government response fueled by the tax payments of ordinary and wealthy citizens alike. 

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