Monday, September 11, 2017

Disaster Porn and the denials of climate change

Although Hurricane Irma left a path of apocalyptic disaster through the Caribbean on its way to Florida, the media paid only middling attention to the travails of those hit with the full fury of the storm.  From Wednesday on, the obsessive focus was on Florida and the devastation about to be visited on its residents.  While there was some justification; after all, Florida contains the hopes and fears of over 20 million people, after a couple of days of non-stop coverage, anything less than an end of the world scenario would seem to be an anticlimax.  You could almost see the reporters salivating at the prospect of a Category 5 storm hitting Miami Beach.  Reputations are made or lost covering gigantic disasters and this appeared to be one of them.  By Sunday, as the storm lost strength and hit the sparsely populated Keys you sensed the news anchors losing interest and almost hoping the whole thing would go away and let them go back to worrying about who is in or out of tRump's inner circle.  I guess that the coverage was no better or worse than that of previous storms, but with the internet and social media piling on, it appears to me we are in for a proctologist's view of natural disasters, at least in these United States.  Other places not so much.

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