Friday, September 8, 2017

The newly normal

As Irma barrels towards South Florida for a Sunday rendezvous many people are wondering if this is just an anomalous hurricane season or is it the new normal.  In 2005 we had several killer hurricanes in quick succession and everyone was wondering the same thing.  I think the hurricane seasons will come and go, but the increasing temperatures of the oceans will magnify the storms that do occur until the Harveys and Irmas will become accepted as inevitable.  Despite Rush Limbaugh's complaint that the Librul media is inventing these storms, the 50 inch rainfalls and 185 MPH winds are not some left wing plot.  If anything they are proof of what Al Gore and 97% of climate scientists have been telling us for over 20 years.  Humans have been altering the planet for millennia, but in the last 200 years with the advent of the carbon based economy our potential to cause a global catastrophe has become a real possibility.  I hope the correct lessons are being learned in the wake of the latest storms, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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