Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The beatings will continue until morale improves

As Irma bears down on Florida and may well eclipse the damage Harvey did to Texas, the republicans in Congress are already squabbling about how relief for the regions in question will be handled.   Attach aid funding to a debt ceiling or not; deal with democrats or go it alone; express faux outrage at the entire process.   Continue fiddling while Rome burns seems to be their go to option.  Two storms in two weeks that are probably going to be called "thousand year events" and the leaders of the GOP and the doofus in chief will still deny the warming oceans as the cause of both Harvey and Irma.   What to do about the implications of these weather events should have rocketed to the top of the legislative agenda.  Instead we will be treated to an episode of "Keep moving along, nothing to see here" as the planet starts down the path of destruction.  The collective we voted for these incompetents.  How many more storms will it take to realize the course we are on and start making drastic corrections.  For my grandchildren's sake I hope it is sooner rather than later.

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