Monday, September 18, 2017

Continuing perfection

The run of nearly perfect weather has continued through the weekend and promises to run through the entire week.  Lows in the 50s and highs in the upper 70s and low 80s has energized the late plantings in the garden.   Some late seedings of basil, cilantro and dill will be large enough to harvest before the end of the farmers' market.   It looks like even the spinach planted on the 2nd of Sept. will be big enough for a cutting before really cold weather arrives.  This season has been a lesson in patience.   Keep planting even in the face of horrific weather and at least this year you will have been rewarded.  Even the swede midge pest must have taken an early vacation.  I was spraying organic pesticide and fungicide on the late cauliflower last night and noticed that a large percentage of plants were actually making heads!    Here's hoping October is as clement as this month.  I may actually run out of things to harvest.

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