Friday, September 22, 2017

Health Care by Dummies

As the bad publicity and opposition to the egregious Graham-Cassidy "health care"  bill mounts, it is becoming increasingly unlikely to pass.  Put together in a back room with even less care than Frankenstein's monster, the legislation is by turns, cruel, incompetent and stupid.  Personally, I think Lindsay Graham was made a co-sponsor solely because of his friendship with John McCain.  When asked about specifics of the bill it was obvious he has no idea of what he was putting his name on.  Block grants to the states is about as far as he is conversant with the bill.  The Louisiana senator who also put his name on the bill is really getting raked over the coals by Jimmy Kimmel after his sanctimonious blather about protecting low income families with sick children.  The effect of the bill would be the exact opposite, and he is being relentlessly criticized  for it.   As Paul Krugman put it in his column today, regardless of whether this piece of crap is passed, it shows the real disease that is affecting the GOP and that sickness is not going away anytime soon.   This travesty of a political party has distilled the essence of everything wrong in America and made it the action agenda.  What is wrong with these  people?

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