Friday, September 1, 2017

Climate Change anyone

According to one columnist for the NYT, in the 1980s there were 9 storms which caused over a billion dollars of damage in the US.   Since 2010 there have been 20, including Hurricane Harvey which is estimated to have caused at least 75 billion in property loss.  I think many in the media are focusing on the short term story of the flooding and displacement caused by Harvey, but are neglecting or underestimating the suffering and pain the Houston area will endure in the medium and long term.    Tens of thousands of people, perhaps hundreds of thousands will be homeless for months, if not years.  Economic activity will grind to a  halt until reconstruction starts and who is going to pay for it all.   The  haphazard development which set the stage for the disaster is not likely to change, so this could all be replayed in the near future.  The Gulf remains extremely warm and another storm could conceivably hit the area again this year.   Meanwhile, Cheeto Jesus promises help on the one hand while the House plans to gut FEMA to help pay for the wall with Mexico.  Texas voted overwhelmingly for tRump, so I guess a little schadenfruede is in order.  But in the long term, we are all in this together and we better start dealing with the implications Harvey has exposed.

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