Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Last night, Tailgunner Ted Cruz became the latest casualty in The Donald's march to the Republican nomination for president.   After a dismal showing in Indiana, Cruz suspended his campaign and with it, Carly Fiorina's one and only opportunity for national office.  While I despise Cruz and his politics, I almost felt sorry for him as he shuffled off the stage.  He may try for the presidency again, but the baggage he accumulated during this run should effectively foreclose that option.   This leaves the GOP with a badly flawed candidate with no qualifications for dogcatcher, let alone President.  The only prayer Trump has is some unforeseen event; an economic meltdown, terrorist attack, etc.  I rarely read the execrable Tom Freidman's column in the NYT, but a masochistic attack directed me there today and as usual, I was not disappointed.  After tossing off  his opinions as established fact, especially his hobby horse of the "Grand Bargain" between the political parties to shred Social Security and Medicare, Friedman concludes that the badly damaged Republican party needs to lose this election in order to be rebuilt as a "thinking" center-right party and Trump is the vehicle for this salvation.   America, be afraid, be very afraid.

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