Friday, May 6, 2016

Misplaced Optimism

This could be a political or a gardening post, or a bit of both.  On the political side, it looks like liberal pundits and commentators are already wringing their hands and claiming that Democrats are not taking Trumpism seriously and will not prosecute a vigorous campaign and GTV drive in the months leading up to November.  Personally, I think Hillary and her advisors will not let this happen and The Donald can be counted on to provide the motivation to turn out the base voters, including most of Bernie's people.  Clinton will have to move further to the left on many issues to satisfy Sander's supporters, but it shouldn't be too much of a stretch.  Meanwhile, the fractured GOP may even spawn a third party candidate as a spoiler to Trump.  This would be good for Dems on many fronts, not least of which is the exposure of the modern republican party coda as a vehicle for white anxiety and racism.  America is rapidly becoming a multiracial, increasingly secular society and the rapidly shrinking white portion of the population needs to come to terms with its role.  On the gardening front, misplaced optimism is the order of the weekend.  As the soil dries out and grudgingly warms up, it is time to plant potatoes and onions.  Last year, the onions and early carrots and beets were washouts due to heavy rains in late May and early June.   Of course, this year will be different!  The grass is growing, the asparagus is pushing up and the sun will shine tomorrow.  Hooray for Spring.

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