Friday, May 13, 2016

Strangers in the night

As The Donald and the Republican party establishment in D.C. circle each other with the subtlety of a pair of 8th graders at their first dance, it appears both sides want to paper over the differences over substance and appearances between them.  This may be harder than they anticipate.  Trump has so far run a policy free campaign, unless you attribute substance to such utterings as "Build the Wall",
" Ban all Muslims", etc.  Meanwhile, the establishment has encouraged the base of the party through dog whistle politics to believe they really mean the same things Trump is shouting at his rallies.  The Paul Ryans of the party are horrified these slogans may actually become policy in a Trump administration, while cherished goals such as shredding the remaining social safety net programs are pushed back because Trump supporters really like these programs as long as they are not available to "those people".  Meanwhile, the gaggle of far right white supremacist and hate groups flocking to Trump's banner are even more of an embarrassment to the supposedly mainstream GOP.  Again, this is the logical culmination of rhetoric and policy over a generation finally coming home to roost.  How Ryan, McConnell, et. al. resolves the apparent contradictions between republicans and their presumptive nominee for president will be an interesting spectacle over the next couple of months.

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