Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bernie and the unity conundrum

Based on their words at different rallies yesterday, it looks like Hillary and Bernie are beginning the process of unifying the party prior to the convention.  Hillary complimented the Sanders campaign and affirmed she will be tackling one of his major rallying cries, namely the presence and influence of big money in modern political campaigns.  Meanwhile, it appears Bernie is toning down his attacks on Clinton during his standard stump speech.  Although this is possibly due to his recent fund raising difficulties, it is still a welcome break from the vicious attacks which resembled a scorched earth policy.  Meanwhile, the DNC made a major concession to Sanders by allowing him to appoint 5 members of the platform committee as opposed to Clinton getting 6 choices and the execrable  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz getting to name the final 4 members instead of the entire roster as the by-laws allow.   Now Sanders will get the influence he says was what motivated him in the first place.  The Revolution becomes Evolution and the party can unite in the face of the challenge of defeating The Donald in the general election.  We'll see how this plays out.

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