Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Health Care Fixes no one talks about

Bernie's Medicare for All sounds like every liberal's dream, until the cost of the program turns into a nightmare.   Most other industrialized democracies have universal health care and spend much less than we do for our non inclusive mess.  We are told it's the fault of big pharma or too many expensive tests and patient demands for more expensive procedures.  All these things are true.   However, the biggest driver of health care costs is the American Medical Association and its government enablers.  The dirty little secret is the income of the doctors and specialists in the system.  The average American doctor makes in excess of $200,000/year.  Specialists make much more.  In most European countries physicians make  far less.  By keeping the  supply of doctors tight, the AMA perpetuates this monopoly.   The easiest way to bring medical costs down is to open more medical schools and subsidize tuition.  We are led to believe only a tiny dedicated minority can survive the training to become doctors.  Experience in other countries proves otherwise.  Let's give it a try.

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