Monday, May 23, 2016

The NPR sellout

One of life's little pleasures for me has been the reporting and commentary on NPR.  Although I have sometimes expanded their acronym to Nice Polite Republicans, the commenters on the news have generally been mostly non or at least politely partisan.  Lately, however, with the addition of Tucker Carlson and Jonah Goldberg as the supposed balance to Mara Liason and Cokie Roberts, the management of NPR has stepped over the line, unless it is another move in an 11 dimension chess game I am not following.  Neither Carlson or Goldberg is overly bright, so it's just possible some jokester at NPR is allowing the right to hang itself, but I doubt it.  With some of the stations funding now coming from the Koch Brothers, you can imagine the pressure management is under to represent "conservative" views, no matter how incoherent.  Unfortunately, there are numerous outlets for tantrums by Carlson or the doughy pantload.   Why does NPR have to demean its reputation by association with these lightweights.  Maybe they are also in discussion with Breitbart to do their news.   If these trends continue, I will have to rethink my support for public radio.

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