Monday, May 23, 2016

Dry and getting warmer

As predicted by any casual gardener, this week will the cool, dry spring and usher in what looks like a warm, dry summer.  The soil in the wettest areas of most farms and my own humble establishment is dry enough to work and plant.  The downside is the plantings need frequent watering which in most cases is not available or practical.   It is distracting and time consuming to continue to water previous plantings, but the risk is they will be stunted or actually die without water.  As I planted peppers and eggplant on Sunday morning I kept looking at the sky with some hope, but the amount of rain we received barely settled the dust.  Of course, about the time I am ready to give up, the skies will open and whatever survives the drought will drown in the ensuing deluge.  In the meantime, I will keep planting and take comfort that the weeds are growing slowly and that other activities beckon.   I played golf with an old friend on Saturday and attended the Divine Mrs. M's concert with her vocal ensemble on Sunday afternoon.  The proliferation of grandchildren is another reminder the garden is important, but not the most significant part of the pageant we call life.  But still, I wish it would rain!

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