Monday, May 16, 2016

The Merry month of May

By now, young men's fancies have turned to thoughts of ; keeping warm!  It is shaping up to be a record cool May on the NCR.  As I write this, the temperature is 37 degrees and a 20 MPH west wind probably makes it feel like 15.  Everything in the garden is in suspended animation as the weekend was alternately cloudy and cool or sunny and cold.  About the only thing growing was grass, so the mowers were exercised on Saturday.  The  only good news was the weeds were reluctant to grow as well.  The Divine Mrs. M and I planted some peonies on Sunday, but otherwise concentrated on staying warm.  As of this time we are a week or so behind schedule for most crops, but it could be worse with another week of cool/cold weather predicted.  The last time we had a year without summer was 1816.  Let 's hope we don't have a repeat 200 years later.

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