Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The continued rise of IL Douche

It sounds like I was wrong about the supposed slugfest which was to occur last night between Megyn Kelly and The Donald.  Although it was pre-recorded, Trump tweeted that he hoped it would go well and vowed to live tweet it.   Personally, I would prefer a root canal to tuning in to Faux News, so my take is all second hand from commenters who actually sat through Kelly's audition to become the next Barbara Walters.  With a continuous shower of softball questions about his emotional state and a long exposition regarding their fight, Kelly becomes the last major Fox News anchor to capitulate to Il Douche.  She obviously is a team player on a very dirty team.   Meanwhile, it looks like Bernie's campaign, aided and abetted by the candidate himself is going down a very dark road.  After a win in Oregon and a narrow loss in Kentucky, the electoral math has become impossible without major defections among superdelegates.  This ain't gonna happen unless Hillary is indicted before the convention.  Bernie is beginning to exhibit signs he is a petulant sore loser and instead of working within the party to correct flaws in the nominating process he seems to be preparing to pick up his bat and ball and go home if he doesn't win.  As most people realized after the mid-atlantic primaries, Hillary had a prohibitive lead in pledged delegates.  Unless Bernie could win most of the remaining states with huge majorities he could never close the gap.  Also, the super delegates are party insiders who will support Clinton.  After all, she won a majority of the votes and delegates and she is a loyal party member, two things Bernie can't claim to do or to be.  I had hoped he would tone down his attacks on Clinton and get his supporters ready to support her, but it sure doesn't look that way now.

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