Friday, May 20, 2016

Berning down the house

Along with many pundits and average joes, I admire the campaign Bernie put together  and prosecuted for the Democratic nomination for president.  My own evaluation was his message was spot on, but due to his age and lack of appeal to a wide demographic he would not win.  Millions of Americans begged to differ and powered his campaign with hundreds of millions of dollars with an average of $27./per contribution.  He preached revolution, but most of his supporters were and are far too comfortable to risk their status in a real revolution.  Meanwhile, those with nothing to lose either didn't hear or didn't believe the message that millions of ordinary people can come together and force meaningful change.  The majority of democrats bought Hillary's message of incremental change and we cheered as Bernie forced her more and more toward the left of center.  This is the extent of Bernie's revolution and he and his supporters should be proud.  However, now, the dead enders of his team threaten to disrupt the convention and perhaps fatally weaken Clinton's candidacy if they can't overcome the will of the majority of dem voters.  Here's where the old curmudgeon needs to take a deep breath, lessen his attacks on Hillary and get his team on board with the program. 

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