Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The water wars

Water, as many have said will be the next oil.  Even more so.  We may need oil, but we won't die if we don't have it.  Potable water is necessary for survival.  Right now, Californians are smarting under orders to cut consumption by 25%.  Meanwhile, the state's byzantine water regulations perversely reward those waste the most.  Hence, we are exporting alfalfa and almonds to the far east.  These two commodities account for 25% of the total water available, or more than all the 31 million people use.  We are talking about a very rich state which is struggling with the issue, but can easily resolve it with no bloodshed.  What about the middle east and Africa.  Getting enough water to drink on a daily basis will be life and death for many in the second and third worlds in coming decades.  The mind boggles at the implications.  The specter of starvation is bad enough, but the danger of millions dying of thirst is nearly unimaginable.   Wars will be fought before this happens.

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