Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Notes

It seems like spring is here, albeit reluctantly.  With temperatures in the 50s and low 60s over the weekend, the ground started to dry and I was able to get the first planting of spinach in the garden nearest the house.  We are supposed to get near 70 today followed by showers, so things will get off to a good start.  I got some lettuce and broccoli going in cold frames and saw a few garlic shoots coming up in the secret garden.  Meanwhile, the first golf course in area opened for play and a few hardy souls braved the muddy fairways and brown "greens" on Saturday.  Sunday was much better, but I did my golfing vicariously, watching Jordan Speith humble the field and the Master's course in Augusta.  The contrast of the humble kid from Texas with the profane Tiger Woods couldn't have been more striking.  Speith coolly shot a 70 on Sunday as Woods flailed to a 73 and finished 17th.  The guard has changed in American golf and Rory McIlroy will have a new challenge to for the top spot in world golf. 

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