Friday, April 10, 2015

Exploding heads

The Cuban exile community in S. Florida, which drives American policy toward Cuba, will be having apoplexy later this weekend when the President of the US shakes hands with Raul Castro at the Summit of the Americas.  To the die-hards of the anti-Castro movement, there will be no peace with Cuba until both Castro brothers are dead and the government of Cuba repudiates their legacy.  With modern medical technology that time could still be decades from now.  Ironically, our embargo of Cuba has isolated the US in Latin America more than the intended target.  If our rapproachment  is a done deal before the 2016 campaign goes into overdrive we might avoid the invective and stupidity the issue is sure to arouse.  The upside for both nations is so clear it's a no-brainer.  That's why virtually every republican candidate will line up against it.

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