Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bernie, Bernie, he's our man

If only he was 30 years younger.   He has a lot of good things to say about the state of economic justice in America today and if he could retail his politics to the entire US the way he did as mayor of Burlington, he just might have a shot.  However, after the initial excitement dies down, many in the dreaded mainstream media will portray him as the crazy uncle of the left, appealing only to the fringes of the democratic party.  In reality, his appeal should be mostly for the working class stiffs who vote republican on cultural issues.  Sanders is relentless on the economic issues which should concern everyone.  I hope he can strike the right note and make this a two horse race.  Hillary will still win, but she will have to embrace many issues she would likely dodge if unopposed.  And, as the man in the fable said when asked how he could teach the horse to sing, "The King may die, the horse may die, or it might learn to sing".

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