Thursday, April 16, 2015

Political Science

As in Randy Newman's song, circa 1972.   At the time it was a Swiftian take on American foreign policy.  Ironically, it perfectly summarizes the republican approach to our allies and enemies over the last 15 years.  He begins, "  No one likes us- I don't know why/ We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try/ But all around, even our old friends put us down/ Let's drop the big one and see what happens.  I'm sure Newman is horrified by the candidates for the republican nomination and their attitude toward our allies and enemies.  What was black comedy in the 70's is now the neocons' wet dream.   He continued with a litany of grievances against Europe (too old), Africa (too hot) and Canada (too cold).  After prescribing the same treatment for all of them,"Let's drop the big one/ There'll be no one left to blame us", he proposes we save Australia because, "Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo/ We''ll build an All American amusement park/ They got surfin, too.  He really has a future as Ted Cruz' speech writer.  Finally, as a capsule summary of republican attitudes toward the world at large, "They all hate us anyhow/ So let's drop the big one now/ Let's drop the big one now".   May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on our souls.

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