Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ready for Misogyny

Like it or not, we are probably in for 8 years of rampant misogyny as Hillary Clinton replaces Barack Obama as the target of the haters in America.  Unfortunately, racism and misogyny are the kissing cousins of the rage of white America as minorities and feminists look for their place in the sun.  That's why you'll hear so many exhortations to "Take back America".   This phrase always amuses me.  What are we taking back?  I would posit it is some version of the hit series "Mad Men".  Although I have never seen it, the devotees seem to love its straightforward and unabashed prejudices.  Women know their place and minorities are best seen and not heard.  As the father of three strong young women, I hope we never go back to the days were the secretaries are smarter than their bosses and defer to them professionally and socially.  We need at least another generation of strong female  role models and of course, Hillary is the uber feminist.  Her presidency will affirm the striving of millions of women and force the recognition of their equality in the workplace.  The patriarchy will fight back, but the collection of losers presently falling over themselves to be the standard bearer of a backwards looking ideology is hardly going to stir the enthusiasm of any but the dead enders who make up the base of the republican party.   If Clinton can capture the zeitgeist that is running through our country, she will not only win the presidency, but possibly recapture both houses of congress for the Dems.  If she runs the cautious, big donor campaign she tried in 2012, she will lose much potential support and make this a more competitive election.

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