Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Clinton Chronicles

The NYT is at it again.  After pummeling the Clintons for much of the 90s with nonexistent scandals like Whitewater, Travelgate, Monica Lewinsky and on and on, they're back once again with the help of another republican hack.  Based on "reporting"  in the book, Clinton Cash, the reporter tries to link donations made to the Clinton Foundation to actions Hillary Clinton took as Secretary of State.  Specifically, the state department, as did dozens of other government agencies signed off on a deal which allowed a Russian company to buy up uranium mines and processing facilities in Canada and the US.  As was the case in the other "scandals", most of the story relies on coincidence and hearsay to make things look as bad as possible.  If the Times and other media outlets had covered G.W. Bush the same way, he couldn't have been elected to the county dog catcher in East Bumfuck.  Just Sayin...

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