Wednesday, April 29, 2015

baseball alone

In the 1990s, a book by the title of "Bowling Alone" posited the decline of American culture by the example of Americans bowling by themselves rather than in organized leagues which promoted inclusion in the culture.  Some might argue what culture loss the author was bemoaning, but the mass shooting in Columbine, Colorado by a couple of alienated students gave weight to the thesis.  Today, we will see the theory of aloneness played out on a giant scale as the Baltimore Orioles play a home game without spectators.  Picture the quintessential American game played without the raucous crowds usually on display at Camden Yards park.  It seems un American.  The police say they are stretched too thin to provide the customary security, but to me it's a cowardly action which draws even more negative attention to a city which needs to heal as quickly as possible.  Having been a spectator at Montreal Expos games where the players and coaches nearly outnumbered the fans, I can say it is an eerie experience. 

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