Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nothing to see

According to a story this morning on NPR, the Sierra Nevada mountain snowpack is approximately 6% of normal.   This is a slow motion disaster in the making.  California can be assured of at least one more year of drought and the fight between cities and agriculture for scarce water will get increasingly acrimonious.   Already, anyone looking to get a well drilled is looking at a two year wait.  So much underground water is being pumped in the San Joaquin valley that the ground is actually subsiding.  It fell a 1/2 inch last year.   As they draw down the underground aquifers and the land subsides, they may never fill the same volume, even if rainfall increases.  That would make the state even more reliant on snowpack.  I'm sure the Republicans would say there is nothing to see here connected with climate change, but the evidence is increasing and if there is little or no snow next year, the public pressure to acknowledge the problem and do something about it will become overwhelming.  As it is, the lettuce in your BLT will be more expensive this year.  That is only the tip of the iceberg.... sorry, lousy pun.

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