Wednesday, April 8, 2015

the clown car starts to fill

With Rand Paul's candidacy for the republican nomination announced yesterday, the race to the bottom has commenced.  A recent Pew poll purports to show the core constituencies of the two major parties.  The democrats attract blacks, latinos, Asians, women and educated whites.  The republican party attracts white men, particularly those with less education, self identified evangelicals and the "silent" generation.  What this means for republican candidates is they must run campaigns for the presidential nomination which turn off a majority of the electorate.   Let's face it, the concerns of white men, religious zealots and older white women are not those of our multicultural melting pot.  Limiting abortions, demonizing gays and advocating for "second amendment rights" will turn off many people who will vote in 2016.  Unless Paul, Jeb Bush or some voice of sanity is able to inject some reality into the coming campaign, it's going to be another Ringling Brothers event for the GOP.  Get out the popcorn...

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