Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Iron Lady's legacy

Much like her contemporary proto fascist, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher adored military pomp, disdained the middle and lower classes in her country and divided the society in ways that will probably never be repaired.  The glowing obituaries and fulsome tributes also remind me of Reagan's passing as pundits competed to see who could produce the most boot licking retrospectives to that monster's career.  They were both bullies who used the military to abuse the likes of Argentina and Grenada.  Neither cared a fig for the people disposessed by their social policies, and both played on and highlighted the underclasses and encouraged ridicule of same.   Both Reagan and Thatcher will be remembered as dividers of society.  Underneath the thin veneer of charm, they were both mean spirited opportunists.  It is somewhat ironic they both spent their last years as senile spectators of the messes they made of their respective societies.

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