Monday, April 29, 2013

Fighting entropy

My yard is the poster child for the increasing entropy of the universe.  No matter how many hours of daylight and how many weekends I devote to restoring order, my little corner of creation is living up to the aforementioned natural law.  I have to admit I sometimes bring this on myself.  The expansion of the ultra secret garden is a case in point.  As perennials like asparagus and strawberries take up more space, I decided I wanted to keep the amount of annuals the same.  Probably a bad decision, especially if the growing season is difficult.  So far it looks like we may be in for a dry summer.  If that's the case, I will regret the expansion now.  In the meantime, the gardens look good, if only because the beds are neat and the weeds are slow in germinating.  That will definitely change over the next few weeks.

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