Monday, April 1, 2013

Fools for April

Like Lucy and Charly Brown, April weather and me play the same game year after year and like Lucy, the weather almost always gets the laughs.  Saturday was by comparison to most of March a gorgeous day with temps near 60 and bright sunshine.  I started like a house afire, pruning fruit trees, starting cleanups, starting crops in the cold frames and even getting the first bed of spinach planted out in the garden.  The garlic is pushing up and the soil is starting to dry.  What's not to like.  Unfortunately, by 5 p.m., this 61 year old was feeling about 90 and the idea of doing the same thing again on Sunday was about as appealing as a root canal without anasthesia.  Fortunately, advil and a night's rest made me feel almost human again.  Of course, the first week of April will bring a return to late winter, so I'll get a chance to recover before next weekend when I can do it all over again.

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