Thursday, April 4, 2013

People are from Earth, not so sure about Walmart

As with the rest of corporate America, Walmart aims to do more with less, especially in the employee category.  According to a story in the NYT, they have cut up to 15% of their workers since the start of the lesser Depression.  Unfortunately for them, customers are starting to notice the dirtier stores, unstocked merchandise and the lack of freshness in the produce department and are taking their business elsewhere.  Our local Walmart is no exception.  I have noticed the messy produce displays.  I don't buy produce at Walmart, but I do check the store from time to time and it seems a little more disorganized.  Another big problem is the lack of cashiers.  They have over 20 stations and rarely are more than 4 or 5 manned.  A 30 minute wait to check out is not worth a $2.00 savings, especially if the quality of the produce is not good.  Perhaps the pendulum is swinging toward a model which rewards fresh, quality produce at slightly higher pricing.  It might just catch Walmart's attention.

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