Monday, April 22, 2013


Why were you and your tractor on the wrong side of the fence asked the divine Mrs. M at dinner last night.  Oh, that.  Well, it's like this.....Busted again.  Since I have planted more perrenials, such as asparagus and now strawberries, there is less room for annuals, plus there is the problem of crop rotations away from brassicas.  So the obvious solution is to tear up more ground.  Unfortunately, the activity was noted and the consequences will be forthcoming.  Aside from that, I got the first plantings of beets and carrots into the ground on Sunday, along with another planting of spinach.  The first planting is up and growing, despite a record low of 22 degrees last night.  Soil temps remain low, but things are drying nicely.  I hope to get the strawberries planted tonight.

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