Thursday, April 11, 2013

Back and Forth

It's barely above freezing this morning, and snow showers are predicted for tonight.  If this is what a real spring is like on the NCR, I may change my opinion on climate change.  Not really, but I have taken the last few mild winters and springs for granted.  As a novice produce broker in the 1980s, I spoke with people who took it for granted nothing was planted much before the first of May and tomatoes were a risky crop with a frost free season of less than 100 days.  Planting soybeans was almost as risky.  The changes since then have been pretty radical.  Iceberg lettuce is now harvested nearly a month earlier than in 1988.  Harvest continues into October.  As I said earlier, I and most of the growers in this area are used to this state of affairs, and devoutly hope it will continue, or even extend.

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