Friday, April 26, 2013

He is watching

The coming surveillance state is going to make Orwell's 1984 look like a libertarians wet dream.  Truly, if Michael Bloomberg gets his fondest wish, there will be so many cameras in NYC every purchase of a Big Gulp will be recorded and the buyer tapped on the shoulder and ticketed by the local gendarme.   For some reason, within the last 25 years we have become a nation of chicken littles when it comes to perceived threats to personal safety.  Is it the Boomer generation's helicopter parenting or the economic opportunities presented by the safety and surveillance industrial complex?  When did the safety fetish cause this quest for ever more intrusive infringements on our liberties.  While people seek personal thrills by skydiving from the edge of space or climbing Everest despite blindness, the majority of the population lead lives which are ever more circumscibed in the the name of security.   The security lines at any airport are the metaphor for life in general.  Is this what we want to bequeath to future generations of Americans?

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