Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The insurance conundrum

Although the Boston Marathon bombing continues to dominate the media this week, as the NYT notes, there is another bomb ready to explode among the many victims of the blast.  The bills for medical intervention, especially for those greviously injured are likely to be staggering.  Unfortunately, thanks to the barbaric state of our health care system, if you don't have gold plated health insurance, even a relatively small deductable can be a financial catastrophe.  Without insurance, you might as well declare bankruptcy now and sort out the implications later.  Amputations, prosthetic limbs and months of rehab can run into the hundreds of thousands or more.  My eldest daughter broke her foot the other day and although she is a nurse, her health insurance through the hospital where she works has a $5000. yearly deductable.  That is a huge amount of money, especially for young people who ordinarily will not use that much care in a year.  The hospital is defacto forcing its employees to self insure, except in the case of severe trauma.  Is this the kind of health care system the citizens of this country deserve?

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