Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston's Aftermath

The horror in Boston yesterday seems to have unmanned the people who cover the news.  While it is understandable to be concerned about the attack on the innocent spectators at the marathon finish line, the coverage veered into overkill territory.  All other news was excluded as expert after expert obsessed about the minutiae of the circumstances.  The fact many of these same reporters and experts spend virtually no time on the many terror attacks around the globe each day shows the disconnect between America and the rest of the world.  It is a shame people have to die to remind us that the policies this nation pursues outside its borders have consequences.  My heart goes out to the injured and the survivors of this attack.  I hope the perpetrators are apprehended and punished.  But I also hope for some reflection by the national concscience (if there is such a thing) regarding our role in the world and how our actions affects the lives and fortunes of other countries' citizens.   We have an unhealthy obsession with our own supposed exceptionalism.  It's is time to mute the chants of USA, and perhaps feel the pain of our fellow inhabitants of the Blue Planet.

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