Friday, April 19, 2013

Gathering steam

The grass is greening up very quickly as the daytime temps slowly rise.  Soil temps in the North Country are still rather low, but with a 70 degree day today the weed seeds will start breaking ground.  If the weather cooperates, I should get peas, beets, carrots and radishes in this weekend, along with another planting of spinach.  It is hard to restrain the urge to plant more tender crops, but the aforementioned soil temps should be enough to dampen that enthusiasm.  The onions are sprouting in the cold frames and the cabbages, broccoli, etc. are ready to transplant.  I am getting tired just thinking about it.  Time compresses activity at this point in the season. There is never enough of the former and way too much of the latter.  Somehow it seemed more doable 20 years ago.  On the other hand I wasn't trying to do so much in those days. 

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