Friday, July 6, 2012

Weather Fixation

No sooner does the last drop fall from a summer thunderstorm than I start scanning the sky and weather reports for the next one.  We have been consistently dry this summer and although the veg crops look good right now, one week of 90 plus temps and no rain will change that scene in a hurry.  Most years we take the rain for granted or even wish for more sun.  No so this year.  The first corn started forming ears and the second planting is tasseling.  I have seven plantings all told with the last just poking out yesterday.  The cukes are ready for the weekend and with a good drink, the summer squash will start making me regret the extra plants I started.  The lettuce looks like seed catalog pictures and the beets and carrots are bursting out of the ground.  But in the background, the ever present threat of dry weather makes me realize how transient the whole enterprise is without a reliable water supply.

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