Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Drought and markets

So far only one brief shower today, but more predicted for later.  Farmer's in the North Country, at leaast for commodity crops are not pushing the panic button just yet, but if we don't get some significant rain soon yields will start to suffer.  Even the irrigated veg crops in the area are being stressed by the hot weather.  No matter how much water you pour on the brassicas, they don't like weeks of 90 degree weather.  Growth in the cabbage crops here has slowed to a crawl.  Some herbs like cilantro and dill are bolting at early stages of growth, so are not big enough to harvest for optimum yield.  A majority of states in the lower 48 are suffering drought conditions.  The weather authorities say it is the worst situation in 50 years.  Unfortunately, I can remember moving irrigation pipes several times a day when I was 10, but at that age I was more interested in playing baseball than worrying about how much rain was not falling.  It is a little different now.

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