Friday, July 20, 2012

new phone blues

As a technologically challenged baby boomer, I dread the advancements most people crave.  In the abstract, new features sound good, but confronted by a new phone, I want to curl into the fetal position and suck my thumb.  These new touch screen gizmos may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but to me it is just another time sucker which I have to learn so I can keep up with the kool kidz.  The idea of camera, internet and e-mail access is seductive, but all it really means is I will be swiping the touch screen with dirty hands in the garden while trying to answer questions that are beyond me.  The 24/7 ethos promoted by these devices means you never really compartmentalize work and life beyond work.  My old mentor Jerry Shulman always said you work to live, not live to work.   I guess the next step is to implant the damn thing into your skull so you never miss a call.  What a world...

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