Thursday, July 19, 2012


I don't know if I spelled it correctly, but I know what it means.  Although 2012 is shaping up as the hottest and one of the driest on record,  and nothing like what the boomer generation grew up with, most people will simply turn up the AC and complain.  That is the major reason nothing is being done about climate change.  When I started dealing with growers in the North Country in the mid 80s,  hot weather was more than one day in a row of 80 degree plus temperatures.  Frost was a very real possibility anytime after labor day.  The end of the vegtable season was the 1st of October.  Since moving to the NCR  (North Country Riviera), I have seen the season extend by almost 2 weeks.  First frost can still come early, but is usually followed by above normal temps.  If this trend continues, this area will have a Long Island circa 1960 climate within the remainder of my lifetime.  While this is a boon for local growers, I shudder to think of the global consequences.  But to most of us, this new normal will quickly become the benchmark and memories of short growing seasons and long winters will be lost, along with the will to do anything to mitigate what will be a catastrophe to many fellow travelers on spaceship earth.

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