Thursday, July 12, 2012

I got nothin

I'm tired of complaining about the weather, gardening and veg markets in general.  It must be summer burnout, especially with hot dry weather predicted for the next several days.  Unfortunately, our national political discourse has also maxed out my empathy for a large part of the population.  That a tax evading, flip flopping sociopathic multi-millionaire who would undoubtedly appoint like minded justices to the supreme court boggles the mind and makes me seriously question the American experiment.  Things are going off the rails and my generation has to take a lot of the blame.  What toxic ideas did we imbibe while watching Roy Rogers and Howdy Doody.  Or maybe it was the communist flouridated water plot that did it to a generation.  I can see this whole rant getting out of control, so I think I will just have another cup of coffee and screw my head back on.  I hope everyone's day turns out better than mine probably will.

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