Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hotter than...

Pick your metaphor, but the citizens of Indiana are living through what will undoubtedly be the hottest month there since records have been kept.  The climate change deniers will say it is part of the cycle of weather, but of course most of them will be dead when the hellish truth is witnessed by their children and grandchildren.  You can only hope there is a hell for people who would sell out future generations in the service of the extraction industries and the short term profits they crave.  Sadly, the majority of science challenged Americans are ignoring the data which point to the coming climate apocolypse with a "business as usual" attitude.  It is a lot easier to pooh-pooh predictions of future disasters than make the hard choices which will preserve the climate for future generations.  Ironically, those choices will probably lead to more and better economic growth, but not for the Koch brothers, et. al.  So it goes in our broken political system.

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