Monday, July 16, 2012

All about the rain

Or lack of it.  Got a welcome couple of tenths on Sunday and more can reasonably be expected tomorrow.  I did not even mind the 3 hours of weeding that was essentially cancelled by the showers.  The purslane and pigweed are probably rerooting themselves as I write this.  I will gladly make the trade, as it was starting to look pretty bleak in the gardens, especially among the water hogs like the squash and corn.  If we can pick up a half inch in thundershowers tomorrow the crops will get back on track.  I'm sure the corn and soybean growers and the larger veg guys are feeling the same right now.  While we are nowhere near the drought conditions current on the great plains and the cornbelt, the difference between 100% yield and 80% is the difference between a good season and just keeping your head above water.  With 94% of the country experiencing some drought conditions, it has already been a long hot summer for growers.

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