Monday, July 2, 2012

It's all a matter of degree

Or more than one or two anyway.  We sweltered through a weekend in the upper 80s and low 90s with relatively low humidity and felt abandoned by the weather gods, but compared to most of the rest of the country, we were a blessed cool spot.  Temps as high as 115 in Kansas are turning the midwest corn crop into a crispy mess, and the weekend storms in the mid- Atlantic region are a scary reminder that we are only minutes away from discomfort and worse.  This summer seems to be a confirmation of the climate scientists' predictions of what a warmer world will look like and I doubt too many people are liking it.  The deniers will stick to the "cyclical" mantra to describe the oven we are plunging the world into, but I suppose the same 30% who believe Bush was a great president will believe most anything.  Unfortunately, the Koch brothers, et al.  will drag us all down with them.  In the meantime, the garden could use a shower...

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