Friday, July 27, 2012

Like toast

According to Bill McKibben, we are already ready for the butter and marmalade, at least as far as the climate is concerned.  If the big fossil fuel companies get their way and extract and burn all available reserves of gas, oil and coal, the planetary temperature could rise a whopping 11 degrees F.  In the article he wrote in Rolling Stone, McKibben did not describe the resulting climate change except to say it would be right in the tradition of apocalyptic science fiction.  I've read tons of that stuff and I hope for the sake of whatever future generations we have that it doesn't turn out that way.  Most of the sci-fi authors who write the end of the world scenarios imagine some outside agency is the cause of armageddon.  But as Walt Kelly's character Pogo famously (at least to my generation) says, "We have met the enemy and he is Us".  The slow creep of global warming is accelerating as we sit in the pot like the proverbial frog.  We will probably end up as fricasee before we realize the water has started to boil.

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