Monday, July 30, 2012

Another, just like the others

Hot and dry.  Just the way we would ordinarily like it, but without irrigation, it is pretty hellish out there for plants.  Showers have been hit and miss in the North Country, and they have mostly missed Casa Monzeglio, so it has been a struggle to keep the garden growing.  Standing out there with a hose this morning watering lettuce transplants and trying to germinate spinach I was musing on the vagaries of weather and humans' reaction to it.  99% of the population consider a rainy day a cause for grousing, unless their lawn is brown.  In the cities, rain is even less welcome.  We have become a society divorced from nature and that estrangement will become more painful and obvious as the effects of climate change become unavoidable.  Unless and until we start making the connections among the freakish weather we are now experiencing and our own actions which are causing these phenomena, we will continue to elect politicians who are bought and paid for by the extraction industries which are causing the problems we face today.

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