Monday, August 29, 2022

The fall garden

      Still transplanting fall lettuce and greens like chinese cabbage and broccoli.   I finished harvesting a 20 foot row of potatoes.  H/t to Ralph Childs for the seed.  It was a bumper crop of beautiful spuds.  Planted spinach to follow.   It is late for spinach at this point, but a warmer than normal fall is predicted, so we will see.   The summer squash is about to succumb to downy mildew, but the plants produced like champions all summer.  Cucumbers, ditto.

      I'm still getting used to a constrained garden situation with shade a major problem.   The garden beds produced really well with 6 hours of direct sunshine per day.   Having gardened with full sun for many years, I was surprised many vegetables performed so well.  I guess it's never too late for old dogs to learn a few new tricks!

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